On September 12, I watched Kris and Mitch get married through the lens of my camera. And I'm very glad I did.
In the hours I spent with them and their loved ones, I remembered why not only weddings, but marriages are so special. You see, they only cared about getting married. Kris didn't fret over teensy wardrobe mishaps. They didn't have to blow the budget on orchids. And the pouring rain didn't cast a shadow on the joy they felt that afternoon.
Every couple should be this happy, carefree, and all-around relaxed the day they get married. I hope I am.
Congratulations, Kris and Mitch. May you share a lifetime of smiles and laughter.
About Kris and Mitch:
They were married in the Worship Center at the First United Methodist Church of Carrollton. This is their first (and only!) marriage which is very cool considering they aren't the typical twenty-something couple. And they had the coolest kids in their wedding.