Indie Beauty Expo Dallas 2018 with Natch Beaut Podcast

Back in April or May (I'm having trouble remembering now), I tagged along with Jackie Johnson of the Natch Beaut Podcast for Indie Beauty Expo Dallas.

Full disclosure, Jackie is my sister. But that's besides the point.

Indie Beauty Expo is a gorgeous event that gives beauty buyers and the public the chance to meet and greet hundreds of independent brands and owners. Founded by a former esthetician who realized there wasn't a place for her to introduce her own line of skincare to retailers, it has exploded, becoming a phenomenon.

IBE takes place in LA, New York, London, and they just added Berlin. But Dallas is the fave, because apparently we spend the most money!

Anyway, here are my favorite pictures from the private Shop Indie event. Enjoy.

For brands and more, visit Natch Beaut's recap of the event.