dallas arboretum photography

Family Fun at the Dallas Arboretum

The Dallas Arboretum is the place to shoot couples, brides, and families. In fact, most of the time you end up snapping pics of the same people in that order! That's how it

has been with the Prices, dear friends of mine since ... a while back.

Anyway, their daughter is about to be two (WHAT), so we went to the Arboretum (again) to get some photos of their little family before she turns 22.

Family Day at the Dallas Arboretum


One of the cool (and let's be honest, sometimes annoying) things about Dallas is the random springtime days we have when it's technically still winter.

It's not good for allergy sufferers, but it's great for family portraits.

I went out to our local botanical garden with the Busch sisters and their adorable kiddos, their mom, and one of their husbands. To say they're a precious family is an under statement.

It was a few hours of twin wrangling, learning to walk for the littlest one, and sunshine.