
Babies Light Up My Life, Even if My Lights Don't.

So this shoot stressed me out a bit, and not because the baby was bad! She was a perfect angel. I've actually never had a baby be so chill. No, it was the lights. I had just purchased a new set of studio lights and they malfunctioned hardcore. In fact, I couldn't adjust the output! That's the entire point of using lights, being able to control the amount of light that comes out!

I tried everything I could, but something just wasn't working. And we were in my house, so I didn't have the space to move them far enough away to lessen the light (not to mention there'd be light bleeding everywhere!).

In laymen's terms, it just means I had to get creative and bust out my speedlights again. So instead of the 5 light setup I had planned (well, 4 and a bounce), I was back to two and a bounce.

It worked. Andi looks adorable in the photos. But then again, she always looks adorable.

Baby Batgirl and the Wild Rumpus

Summer and Larry are going to have a baby girl soon. And they're doing two things I love. 1) She's going home in a little Batman outfit. 2) Her room is filled with "Where the Wild Things Are" stuff. I love Batman. And I love "Where the Wild Things Are." Add the fact that Summer and Larry are both silly and fun and hilarious and loving, and it makes for an easy afternoon shoot. I can't wait to meet their kiddo!

And with that, let the Wild Rumpus start.

Babies are special.

I was fortunate enough to take photos of another perfect little baby the other day. It's very humbling that parents invite me into their homes to capture forever images of their families. Now that I'm a mom myself, I have a whole new outlook on family and what it means to love.

I try to make newborn sessions gentle. After all, you can't tell a baby what to do--they don't have words. And they're so tiny and delicate and precious, the last thing I want to do is disturb or distress them in any way.

So I work with parents and their baby. And we just take advantage of whatever mood the baby is in. I think the results are quite nice.

Newborn Photography

My selfie game is strong.

You, too, can have selfies just like this. All it takes is a great DSLR camera, a few speed lights with soft boxes, some remote flash triggers, a remote shutter trigger, a few stands, a tripod, and a happy baby.

It's easier than it sounds. I promise!Lennox_and_Mommy06-web

Family Time with the New Baby

The Partlows welcomed their newest edition back in June (I believe). This is another shoot where I was in the icky part of my own pregnancy, so I haven't uploaded anything until now. But they knew my secret and were too sweet, giving me some homemade blueberry muffins (how a mom of a newborn even had time to bake is beyond me!) and keeping me hydrated.

However, it wasn't about me. It was about them.

I love these photos. They're so personal and sweet. They're a wonderful family and I'm so very happy for them.

Happy Birthday, Madi.

Madi was less than 12 hours old when I got to meet her. I held her for as long as I could until her parents' other friends showed up. And after that happened, I pulled out my camera.

Family Day at the Dallas Arboretum


One of the cool (and let's be honest, sometimes annoying) things about Dallas is the random springtime days we have when it's technically still winter.

It's not good for allergy sufferers, but it's great for family portraits.

I went out to our local botanical garden with the Busch sisters and their adorable kiddos, their mom, and one of their husbands. To say they're a precious family is an under statement.

It was a few hours of twin wrangling, learning to walk for the littlest one, and sunshine.


Bun in the Oven

A few weeks ago, Courtney, who was one of my engagement sessions once upon a time, called me asking about a pregnancy announcement session. The first thing I asked was who it was for. And when she said it was for her, I about dropped my phone! I might have even screamed in joy; can't really remember.

It's so cool that Court and Ry are going to be parents. And they had a really fun idea for their pregnancy announcement, a literal interpretation of them having  a bun in the oven.

We shot it, got the colors to their liking, and laid it out surprisingly quick. And here it is.

Congrats, you two. Can't wait to meet the little doughboy or girl.